On Sept. 23, 2024, 6:33 a.m. hamed:

@hamed Sept. 23, 2024, 6:33 a.m.

New Ghazal Posted: My desire for your lips' promise has yet to be fulfilled, Ghazal 265 by Hafez

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My desire for your lips' promise has yet to be fulfilled, Ghazal 265 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

My desire for your lips' promise has yet to be fulfilled,
I still drink a potion of longing, hoping for your ruby cup.

On the very first day, my faith was lost in your dark locks,
Who knows what will be the end of this affair?

O cupbearer, one sip of that fiery water, for I
Am still raw among the well-cooked in the fire of love.

One night, in error, I compared your locks to Khutan musk,
And every moment, a strand of hair wounds my body.

Since the sun has seen your radiant face in my solitude,
Like a shadow, it leaves my doors and roof every moment.

My name slipped from my beloved's lips one day by mistake,
Yet people of the heart still find the scent of life in my name.

From eternity, the cupbearer of your ruby lips has given us
A draught from a cup that I am still intoxicated by.

You said, "Give your life so that you may have peace,"
I have given my life to sorrows, and I still have no peace.

Hafez has written in his pen the story of your ruby lips,
The water of life flows from my pen every moment.