On Sept. 24, 2024, 5:24 p.m. hamed:

@hamed Sept. 24, 2024, 5:24 p.m.

New Ghazal Posted: My heart, restless and wild like a gypsy, is filled with passion, Ghazal 266 by Hafez

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My heart, restless and wild like a gypsy, is filled with passion, Ghazal 266 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

My heart, restless and wild like a gypsy, is filled with passion,
Full of false promises and deceptive appearances.

A thousand robes of piety and ascetic garb are nothing
Compared to the torn garment of a moon-faced beauty.

I will take the thought of your mole with me to the grave,
So that my dust may be perfumed with your mole.

The angel of love does not know what it is, O cupbearer,
Ask for a cup and a rose to sprinkle on Adam's dust.

Tie a cup to my shroud so that on the morning of resurrection
I may drink wine from my heart and fear the Day of Judgment no more.

I have come to your door, poor and weary, have mercy,
For I have nothing to cling to but your love.

Come, for the tavern's oracle said to me last night,
Be content with your fate and do not flee from it.

Between the lover and the beloved, there is no barrier,
Hafez, rise above your own self-imposed veil.