On Sept. 25, 2024, 8:13 p.m. hamed:

@hamed Sept. 25, 2024, 8:13 p.m.

New Ghazal Posted: I have such a complaint about her dark tresses, don't ask, Ghazal 271 by Hafez

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I have such a complaint about her dark tresses, don't ask, Ghazal 271 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

I have such a complaint about her dark tresses, don't ask,
For I've become so disheveled because of her, don't ask.

No one should abandon heart and religion for the hope of loyalty,
For I'm so regretful of this, don't ask.

With just a sip that harms no one,
I suffer such trouble from foolish people, don't ask.

O ascetic, pass us by safely, for this ruby wine
Steals hearts and religions in a way you can't imagine.

There's talk on this path that can break one's heart,
Everyone is making a racket, don't pay attention to it.

My desire was for piety and health, but
That alluring narcissus behaves in a way, don’t ask.

I asked the sphere of fortune about the state of my affairs,
It said, "I'm striking it with the polo mallet," don't ask.

I asked her, "Whose blood did you dye your locks with?" She said,
"Hafez, this story is too long to tell, honestly, don't ask."