On Sept. 27, 2024, 4:54 p.m. hamed:

@hamed Sept. 27, 2024, 4:54 p.m.

New Ghazal Posted: O Lord, this newly blossomed, smiling one You have entrusted to me, Ghazal 281 by Hafez

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O Lord, this newly blossomed, smiling one You have entrusted to me, Ghazal 281 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

O Lord, this newly blossomed, smiling one You have entrusted to me,
I entrust to You from the envious eye of the garden.

Though she has journeyed a hundred stages from the path of loyalty,
May the evil of the celestial sphere be far from her body and soul.

O gentle breeze, if you reach the abode of Salma,
Convey my greetings to her.

With politeness, untie that black lock,
Do not disturb the place of precious hearts.

Tell her that my heart has a right to loyalty with her mole and curl,
Respect her in that amber-shattering curl.

In a place where wine is drunk in remembrance of her lips,
That drunkard is lowly who is aware of himself.

Wealth and property cannot be gained from the door of the tavern,
Whoever drinks this water should cast his garment into the sea.

Whoever fears the sorrow and grief of love is not worthy,
May our heads and her feet, or our lips and her mouth, be united.

Hafez’s poetry is all the essence of knowledge,
Praise be to his charming breath and the grace of his speech.