On Sept. 29, 2024, 9:42 a.m. hamed:

@hamed Sept. 29, 2024, 9:42 a.m.

New Video Posted: Ghazaliyat of Hafez Ghazal 045

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Ghazaliyat of Hafez Ghazal 045

Description: Ghazal 045 from Divan of Hafez

In this age, a friend free from defect
Is a jug of pure wine and a ship of poetry.

Turn the page slowly, for the path of safety is narrow,
Take up the cup, for precious life is priceless.

I am not only weary of the world due to inaction,
The weariness of scholars is also from knowledge without action.

In the eye of reason, in this tumultuous passage,
The world and the world’s affairs are unstable and insignificant.

Grab the tresses of a moon-faced beauty and tell no tales,
For good fortune and bad fortune are the effects of Venus and Saturn.

My heart had great hope in union with your face,
But death is a robber of hope on the path of life.

The vigilant will not find him anywhere,
For our Hafez is drunk on the wine of eternity.