On Oct. 8, 2024, 4:51 p.m. hamed:
New Ghazal Posted: With the intention of repentance, I sought an omen at dawn, Ghazal 350 by Hafez
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With the intention of repentance, I sought an omen at dawn, Ghazal 350 by Hafez
Description: This ghazāl by Hafez is a playful and defiant poem where the poet expresses his love for wine, his disregard for societal norms, and his unwavering devotion to his beloved.
Key Themes:
Defiance of societal norms: The poet rejects the constraints of society and religious dogma.
The pleasures of life: The poet celebrates the joys of wine, music, and love.
The poet's individuality: The poet asserts his unique identity and rejects the conformity of others.
Love and longing: The poet expresses his love for his beloved and the joy and pain it brings.