On Jan. 25, 2024, 10:17 p.m. hamed:

@hamed Jan. 25, 2024, 10:17 p.m.

Saadi and moral literature: Saadi, or Abu-Muhammad Muslih al-Din bin Abdallah Shirazi, was a 13th-century Persian poet, writer, and traveler. He is best known for his two major works, the Bustan, or the Orchard, and the Gulistan, or the Rose Garden, which are collections of stories, anecdotes, and aphorisms that illustrate moral and ethical teachings. Saadi’s works are distinguished by their simplicity, humor, and wisdom, and their appeal to both the elite and the common people. Saadi’s works have been widely translated and quoted, and one of his verses is inscribed on the entrance of the United Nations building in New York.