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New Rubaei Posted: Quatrain 80 from Rubaiyat of Rumi
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Quatrain 80 from Rubaiyat of Rumi
Description: English Translation of the Quatrain
The reed flute has been blown by the trumpet of the Angel of the Resurrection,
To revive and refresh the burnt-out hearts.
Those desires that were drowned and perished,
Have risen like fish from a single drop of water.
Analysis of the Quatrains
The Cosmic Sound: The "trumpet of the Angel of the Resurrection" symbolizes a powerful cosmic sound or event that awakens the soul.
Reviving Hearts: The sound of the reed flute represents spiritual renewal and the revitalization of hearts that have been wounded or weary.
Resurrection of Desires: The "desires" that were "drowned" symbolize spiritual aspirations that had been suppressed or forgotten.
Miraculous Renewal: The image of fish rising from a single drop of water conveys the idea of miraculous renewal and rebirth.