On Dec. 11, 2024, 5:13 p.m. hamed:

@hamed Dec. 11, 2024, 5:13 p.m.

New Rubaei Posted: Quatrain 118 from Rubaiyat of Rumi

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Quatrain 118 from Rubaiyat of Rumi

Description: English Translation of the Quatrain

That idol, the beauty and adornment of our gathering,
Is not in our gathering; we do not know where it is.

A tall cypress with an upright stature,
From whose stature, a resurrection has arisen within us.

Analysis of the Quatrains

The Absent Beauty: The poet is describing a beloved who is absent from a gathering, and their absence is causing a sense of longing and yearning.
The Cypress Metaphor: The beloved is compared to a cypress tree, symbolizing beauty, grace, and height.
Spiritual Awakening: The final line suggests that the beloved's absence has triggered a spiritual awakening or a profound emotional experience within the poet.