On Dec. 13, 2024, 5:50 p.m. hamed:

@hamed Dec. 13, 2024, 5:50 p.m.

New Video Posted: "Hafiz" ~ The Tide of My Love ~ Sufi Mysticism

Check out the latest video from hamed:
"Hafiz" ~ The Tide of My Love ~ Sufi Mysticism

Description: These poems have been selected from the text "The Gift" - translated by Daniel Ladinsky.

*** Please be aware of the issue around Daniel Ladinsky's translations of "Hafiz." According to Omid Safi, (Islamic Studies Professor at Duke University), Ladinsky's poems "have no earthly connection to what the historical Hafiz of Shiraz, the Persian sage, ever said. He is making it up. He admitted that they are not "translations", or "accurate", or has any knowledge of Persian in his 1996 book "I heard God laughing." Ladinsky actually states that Hafez appeared to him in a dream and handed him the ENGLISH “translations” he’s publishing."