On Dec. 22, 2024, 6:33 p.m. hamed:

New Ghazal Posted: A heart that roamed always near the edge of danger, Ghazal 134 by Saadi
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A heart that roamed always near the edge of danger, Ghazal 134 by Saadi
Description: In this ghazal, Saadi paints a vivid picture of a heart consumed by the intoxicating chaos of love. The heart recklessly dances near danger, ignoring reason and embracing turmoil. Despite countless sorrows and warnings, it continues to chase love, abandoning logic and self-preservation. Saadi captures the futility of advising a heart so deeply enmeshed in passion, as advice only exacerbates its rebellion. The poem reflects the dual nature of love—its beauty and its madness—and portrays the struggle of a soul caught between reason and emotion.