On July 31, 2024, 12:30 p.m. hamed:

@hamed July 31, 2024, 12:30 p.m.

New Ghazal Posted: When you hear the words of the heart, don't say it's a mistake: Ghazal 22 by Hafez

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When you hear the words of the heart, don't say it's a mistake: Ghazal 22 by Hafez

Description: English Translation

When you hear the words of the heart, don't say it's a mistake,
You don't know the language of the soul, my dear, the mistake is here.

My head is not bowed to this world or the next,
Blessed be God for these troubles that are in our heads.

Within my weary heart, I don't know who it is
That is silent while I am in lamentation and tumult.

My heart has escaped from its cage, where are you, musician?
Wail, for our affairs in this world are now melodious.

I have never cared for the affairs of the world,
Your face has been so beautifully adorned in my eyes.

I haven't slept from a thought that my heart is cooking up,
I have the hangover of a hundred nights, where is the tavern?

Since my monastery has become stained with the blood of my heart,
If you wash me with wine, the right will be in your hands.

They hold me dear in the tavern of the Magi,
Because there is an eternal fire in our hearts.

What instrument was that musician playing,
That my mind is still full of air, even though life has passed?

Last night, the call of your love echoed within me,
The space of Hafez's chest is still full of sound.