On Aug. 4, 2024, 1:17 p.m. hamed:

@hamed Aug. 4, 2024, 1:17 p.m.

New Ghazal Posted: Welcome, O messenger of the longing ones, bring tidings of the Beloved: Ghazal 62 by Hafez

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Welcome, O messenger of the longing ones, bring tidings of the Beloved: Ghazal 62 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

Welcome, O messenger of the longing ones, bring tidings of the Beloved,
So that I may gladly sacrifice my life for the Beloved’s name.

Ever enamored and infatuated, like a nightingale in a cage,
My parrot-like heart is captivated by the Beloved’s sugar and almonds.

Her tresses are a snare, her mole the bait of that snare, and I,
In hope of a morsel, have fallen into the Beloved’s trap.

My head will never recover from its intoxication until the Day of Resurrection,
Whoever, like me, has taken a sip from the Beloved’s cup from eternity.

I shall not speak much of my longing, for
It would be troublesome to press the Beloved further.

If I could get a handful, I would put it in my eyes like kohl,
The dust of the path that is graced by the Beloved’s steps.

My desire is for union, while the Beloved desires separation,
I have given up my own desire to fulfill the Beloved’s wish.

Hafez burns in the pain of love for the Beloved and remains without remedy,
For there is no cure for the Beloved’s restless pain.