On Aug. 4, 2024, 2:53 p.m. hamed:

@hamed Aug. 4, 2024, 2:53 p.m.

New Ghazal Posted: This week ha s passed, and it feels like a year to me: Ghazal 68 by Hafez

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This week ha s passed, and it feels like a year to me: Ghazal 68 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

This week has passed, and it feels like a year to me,
How can you know the state of separation from you, such a difficult state?

People saw their own reflection in the grace of your face,
And thought that your dark locks were empty.

Milk still drips from your sugar-like lips,
Even though each of your eyelashes is a skilled killer in coquetry.

O you who are known for your kindness throughout the city,
Alas, what a strange negligence in the matter of strangers!

From now on, there will be no doubt about the purity of my nature,
For your mouth is eloquent in this matter.

They have given me the good news that you will visit us,
Do not change your good intention, for it is a blessed omen.

How can the mountain of sorrow of your separation be endured?
Weary Hafez, whose body is like a reed from wailing.