On Aug. 11, 2024, 4:03 a.m. hamed:

@hamed Aug. 11, 2024, 4:03 a.m.

New Ghazal Posted: When the reflection of your face fell into the mirror of the wine cup, Ghazal 111 by Hafez

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When the reflection of your face fell into the mirror of the wine cup, Ghazal 111 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

When the reflection of your face fell into the mirror of the wine cup,
The mystic fell into the vain hope of a wine-induced laughter.

With one glance, your beautiful face in the mirror
Created all these images in the mirror of the imagination.

All these reflections of wine and painted portraits that appeared
Were but a radiance of the wine server's face that fell into the cup.

The jealousy of love silenced all the learned,
For how did the secret of their sorrow fall into the mouths of the common people?

I didn't fall from the mosque to the tavern of my own accord,
This is the result of an eternal destiny.

What can one do against the relentless passage of time?
Whoever falls into the circle of time's rotation, is trapped.

My heart, hanging from the curl of your hair, fell into a pit,
Alas, it escaped the pit only to fall into a trap.

O master, you will see me again in the monastery,
For my affair has ended up with the wine server's face and the lip of the cup.

One must dance beneath the sword of his sorrow,
For those who have been slain by him have had a good end.

With each moment, he has a new kindness for my sorrowful heart,
See this beggar, how deserving of a reward he has become.

The Sufis are all rivals and observers, but
Among them, the heartbroken Hafez has become infamous.