On Aug. 11, 2024, 4:45 a.m. hamed:

@hamed Aug. 11, 2024, 4:45 a.m.

New Ghazal Posted: He who gave your face the color of a rose and narcissus, Ghazal 112 by Hafez

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He who gave your face the color of a rose and narcissus, Ghazal 112 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

He who gave your face the color of a rose and narcissus,
Can He not give patience and peace to me, the poor one?

And He who taught your hair the art of tyranny,
Can His kindness not give me, the sorrowful one?

On the day He gave the reins of the infatuated heart to Shirin,
I lost all hope from Farhad.

If there is no golden treasure, the corner of contentment remains;
He who gave that to kings, gave this to beggars.

The world is a beautiful bride from the perspective of appearance,
But whoever joined her, gave his own life as a dowry.

From now on, my hand, the skirt of the cypress, and the lip of the stream,
Especially now that the morning breeze has brought the news of Farvardin.

In the grip of the sorrows of time, Hafez's heart has turned to blood,
From the separation of your face, O master Qavam al-Din, give me justice.