On Aug. 12, 2024, 4:41 p.m. hamed:

@hamed Aug. 12, 2024, 4:41 p.m.

New Ghazal Posted: He who holds a cup in his hand : Ghazal 118 by Hafez

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He who holds a cup in his hand : Ghazal 118 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

He who holds a cup in his hand
Constantly possesses the kingship of the goblet.

The water that Khidr found life from
Is in the tavern's jug, which has a cup.

Place the thread of your life in the cup
For this thread has its order from it.

We, wine, the ascetics, and piety
Until the beloved, whose head does each have?

Outside your lips, O cupbearer, there is none
In the distance, who has their desire fulfilled.

The narcissus borrows all its ways of intoxication
From your beautiful eye.

The remembrance of your face and curl
Is a daily prayer that my heart recites.

Your ruby has a perfect saltiness
On the beard of the sorrowful.

In the well of my chin, O my dear,
Your beauty has two hundred slaves.