On Aug. 12, 2024, 4:57 p.m. hamed:

@hamed Aug. 12, 2024, 4:57 p.m.

New Ghazal Posted: I have a beloved whose face is surrounded by a halo of hyacinth, Ghazal 120 by Hafez

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I have a beloved whose face is surrounded by a halo of hyacinth, Ghazal 120 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

I have a beloved whose face is surrounded by a halo of hyacinth,
And whose spring-like cheek bears a line of purple.

May the dust of the line cover the sun of her face, O God,
Grant her eternal life, for she possesses eternal beauty.

When I fell in love, I said I had found the pearl I sought,
Not knowing that this sea has such blood-shedding waves.

You cannot take my life from your eyes, for wherever I look,
It has taken aim from a corner and has an arrow in its bow.

Like a snare of tangled hair, it scatters the dust of lovers' hearts,
And tells the whispering breeze to keep our secret hidden.

Pour a drop on the ground and listen to the state of the lovers' hearts,
For it has many tales of Jamshid and Kay Khusrow.

When the rose smiles on your face, O nightingale, do not fall into its trap,
For there is no trust in a rose, even if it has the beauty of the world.

For God's sake, take my justice from him, O officer of the gathering,
For he has drunk wine with another and is arrogant with me.

If you are going to saddle your horse, please catch me quickly,
For there are dangers in delay, and it harms the seeker.

Do not deprive my eyes of the cypress of my beloved's stature,
Seat me by its spring, for it has a pleasant flowing water.

Make me safe from the fear of separation, if you have hope for that,
For may God protect you from the evil eyes.

What excuse can I give for my fortune? That cunning troublemaker of the city
Killed Hafez with bitterness, and has sweetness in his mouth.