On Aug. 23, 2024, 5:44 a.m. hamed:

@hamed Aug. 23, 2024, 5:44 a.m.

New Video Posted: Ghazaliyat of Hafez Ghazal 007

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Ghazaliyat of Hafez Ghazal 007

Description: Ghazal 007 from Divan of Hafez

O Sufi, come, for the wine cup is a clear mirror,
So that you may see the purity of the ruby-colored wine.

Ask the secrets of the heart from the intoxicated revelers,
For this state is not for the high-ranking ascetic.

The simurgh cannot be caught in a falconer's snare,
For there the wind always holds the snare.

In this gathering, take a couple of cups and go,
Meaning, do not desire lasting union.

O heart, youth is gone and you haven't plucked a flower from pleasure,
Don't disgrace yourself in old age.

Strive for the pleasures of the moment, for they won't last,
Just like the Adam of Paradise, abandoned the garden of peace.

We have only the right to serve at your threshold,
O master, look upon your servant with compassion.

Hafez is a disciple of the wine cup, O breeze, go,
And convey my servitude to the master of the cup.