On Aug. 25, 2024, 7:38 a.m. hamed:

@hamed Aug. 25, 2024, 7:38 a.m.

New Ghazal Posted: Have you seen, O heart, what the sorrow of love has done again? Ghazal 141 by Hafez

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Have you seen, O heart, what the sorrow of love has done again? Ghazal 141 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

Have you seen, O heart, what the sorrow of love has done again?
What it has done to the beloved and the faithful friend?

Alas for that magical narcissus that has stirred up such a game,
Alas for that intoxicated one who has done such things to the sober.

My tears took the color of twilight from my beloved's unkindness,
See what an unkind fate has done in this affair.

A flash of lightning shone from Layla's house at dawn,
Alas, what it did to Majnun's heartbroken heart.

O cupbearer, give me the cup of wine, for the knower of the unseen
Does not know what has happened behind the veil of secrets.

The one who so finely painted this circle of enamel,
No one knows what he did with the compass in its rotation.

The thought of love kindled the fire of sorrow in Hafez's heart and burned it,
See what the long-time friend has done to his friend.