On Aug. 25, 2024, 7:59 a.m. hamed:

@hamed Aug. 25, 2024, 7:59 a.m.

New Ghazal Posted: For years, my heart sought the Jamshid's cup from me, Ghazal 143 by Hafez

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For years, my heart sought the Jamshid's cup from me, Ghazal 143 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

For years, my heart sought the Jamshid's cup from me,
And what it had within itself, it sought from strangers.

A jewel that is from the oyster of the universe and space,
It sought from those lost at the lip of the sea.

I took my problem to the old magician last night,
For he used to solve riddles with the confirmation of his gaze.

I saw him joyful and smiling, with a cup of wine in his hand,
And in that mirror, he was watching a hundred different spectacles.

I said, “When did the sage give you this world-seeing cup?”
He said, “On the day he created this blue dome.”

Without a heart, in all circumstances, God was with him,
He didn’t see Him and from afar, he was making God.

All these magic tricks that he was doing here,
Samari was doing in front of his staff and miraculous hand.

He said, “That friend, because of whom the gallows became high,
His crime was that he revealed the secrets.”

If the grace of the Holy Spirit helps again,
Others will also do what the Messiah did.

I said to him, “What is the purpose of the chain of the idols’ curls?”
Hafez said, “It was a complaint from a lovesick heart.”