On Aug. 25, 2024, 8:04 a.m. hamed:

@hamed Aug. 25, 2024, 8:04 a.m.

New Ghazal Posted: You can only gaze upon the secret of the Jamshid's cup, Ghazal 144 by Hafez

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You can only gaze upon the secret of the Jamshid's cup, Ghazal 144 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

You can only gaze upon the secret of the Jamshid's cup
When you can make the dust of the tavern the kohl for your eyes.

Don't be without wine and a musician, for under the celestial dome
You can drive away sorrow from your heart with this melody.

The flower of your desire will only unveil its face
When you can serve it like the morning breeze.

Begging at the tavern door is a strange elixir;
If you do this, you can turn dust into gold.

Take a step forward on the journey of love,
For you can gain great benefits if you can make this journey.

You cannot go beyond the realm of nature,
Where can you pass through the street of the spiritual path?

The beauty of the beloved has no veil or curtain,
But show the dust of the path to be able to see.

Come, for the solution to the joy of presence and the order of things
You can find in the grace-bestowing of the people of insight.

But as long as you desire the lips of the beloved and the cup of wine,
Don't expect to be able to do anything else.

O heart, if you become aware of the light of guidance,
Like a candle, you can joyfully leave this world.

If you heed this royal advice, O Hafez,
You can pass through the highway of truth.