On Aug. 25, 2024, 10:32 a.m. hamed:

@hamed Aug. 25, 2024, 10:32 a.m.

New Ghazal Posted: My heart accepts no path but the love of beautiful faces, Ghazal 149 by Hafez

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My heart accepts no path but the love of beautiful faces, Ghazal 149 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

My heart accepts no path but the love of beautiful faces,
Despite all advice, it refuses to listen.

For God's sake, O advisor, speak of the cup and wine,
For no image takes hold in our imagination better than this.

Come, O rosy-cheeked cupbearer, bring the colorful wine,
For no thought takes hold in our minds better than this.

I secretly drink from the jug, pretending to be engrossed in a book,
It's strange if the fire of this ruby doesn't ignite within the book.

I wish to burn this patched cloak someday,
When the old wine-seller doesn't fill it with a cup.

Therefore, friends find solace in his ruby wine,
For it takes no imprint other than truth.

With such a captivating face and eyes, how can you turn away?
Go, for this meaningless sermon doesn't enter my head.

I see the heart of those who argue with fate's decree is very narrow,
Perhaps they don't take the cup.

I laugh amidst my tears, like a candle in this assembly,
My tongue is fiery, but it doesn't catch.

How beautifully you've captured my heart, I praise your intoxicated eyes,
For no one catches wild birds better than you.

The matter is of our need and the beloved's independence,
What good is it to bewitch, O heart? For it doesn't take hold in the beloved's heart.

One day, I will obtain that mirror like Alexander,
If this fire catches someday, or if it doesn't.

For God's sake, have mercy, O benefactor, for the dervish at your door
Knows no other door, takes no other path.

I am surprised by the king's generosity for this sweet, fresh poem,
That he doesn't fill Hafez from head to toe with gold.