On Aug. 25, 2024, 10:39 a.m. hamed:

@hamed Aug. 25, 2024, 10:39 a.m.

New Ghazal Posted: If the cupbearer pours such wine into the cup, Ghazal 150 by Hafez

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If the cupbearer pours such wine into the cup, Ghazal 150 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

If the cupbearer pours such wine into the cup,
He will immerse all the sages in eternal drinking.

And if he places a mole like a grain of wheat beneath the curve of his curls,
How many wise birds will he ensnare in his net.

Blessed is the state of that drunkard who at the feet of his beloved,
Doesn’t know where to put his head or turban.

The raw ascetic who denies wine and the cup,
Will ripen when he casts a glance at raw wine.

Strive to acquire skill each day, for drinking wine during the day
Will cast a veil of darkness over a mirror-like heart.

It is time for the wine of morning light when night
Casts the curtain of dusk around the horizon.

Never drink wine with the city's morality police,
He will drink your wine and throw a stone in your cup.

Hafez, lift your head from the corner of the sun's hat,
If your fortune casts your lot with that full moon.