On Aug. 25, 2024, 2:47 p.m. hamed:

@hamed Aug. 25, 2024, 2:47 p.m.

New Ghazal Posted: Spending even a moment with sorrow isn't worth the whole world, Ghazal 151 by Hafez

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Spending even a moment with sorrow isn't worth the whole world, Ghazal 151 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

Spending even a moment with sorrow isn't worth the whole world,
Sell my robe for wine, for nothing is better than this.

The wine-sellers don't fill my cup at their alley,
What a prayer mat of piety that's not worth a single cup.

My rival reproached me for turning my face away from this path,
What has become of this head of mine that isn't worth the dust of a door?

The splendor of a king's crown, which holds the fear of death within it,
Is a charming hat but not worth losing one's head for.

How easy the sorrow of the sea seemed at first, for the sake of gain,
I was wrong, for this storm isn't worth a hundred pearls.

It's better for you to hide your face from your admirers,
For the joy of kingship is not worth the sorrow of an army.

Strive for contentment, O Hafez, and abandon this lowly world,
For a handful of the lowly's favor is not worth two hundred minas of gold.