On Aug. 25, 2024, 6:17 p.m. hamed:

@hamed Aug. 25, 2024, 6:17 p.m.

New Ghazal Posted: At dawn, like the eastern king, the sun rose over the mountains, Ghazal 153 by Hafez

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At dawn, like the eastern king, the sun rose over the mountains, Ghazal 153 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

At dawn, like the eastern king, the sun rose over the mountains,
And with a gracious hand, my beloved opened the door for the hopeful.

As the bright morning revealed the state of the world's love,
A delightful smile broke out, striking a blow at the pride of the successful.

Last night, my beloved arose in the assembly with the intention of dancing,
She untied the knot of her eyebrow and struck the hearts of her lovers.

I washed my hands of the color of piety at that moment, stained with blood,
For the eye of the wine drinker raised a cry to the vigilant.

Whose iron heart taught this treachery?
From the beginning, it struck the path of the night-watchers.

The thought of kingship was cooked, and suddenly the poor heart
God protect him, struck a blow at the hearts of the riders.

What life and blood we gave for the color and hue of her face,
When her image was first drawn, it struck a blow on the hearts of the dying.

How can I confine my heart with a woolen robe,
When the hairs of her eyelashes have opened the path for dagger-bearers?

Look at the cast of fortune and the auspiciousness of the king's fortune,
Grant Hafez the desire of his heart, for he has cast a fortunate omen.

O victorious, brave, and righteous king of the realm,
Whose boundless generosity brought a smile to the clouds of spring.

From the moment the cup of wine was honored in his hand,
Time raised a cup of joy in memory of wine-drinkers.

Victory shone from his flashing sword that day,
When like the sun that burns the stars, it struck alone at thousands.

Pray for the duration of his life and kingdom from the grace of God, O heart,
For the wheel of fortune has spun this coin of sovereignty through the ages.