On Aug. 25, 2024, 6:28 p.m. hamed:

@hamed Aug. 25, 2024, 6:28 p.m.

New Ghazal Posted: If I pursue him, he will stir up troubles, Ghazal 155 by Hfez

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If I pursue him, he will stir up troubles, Ghazal 155 by Hfez

Description: English Translation:

If I pursue him, he will stir up troubles,
And if I cease from seeking him, resentment will arise.

Even if in passing I show a moment of loyalty,
Like dust I'll be scattered in his wake like the wind.

And if I ask for half a kiss, alas,
Like sugar, it will crumble from the sweetness of his lips.

That deceit I see in your narcissus,
Will mix much honor with the dust of the road.

The ups and downs of the desert of love are a trap of calamity,
Where is the lionheart that does not flee from calamity?

Desire life and patience, for the deceitful wheel of fortune
Will stir up even stranger games than this.

Bow your head at the threshold of surrender, Hafez,
For if you fight, time will fight.