On Aug. 28, 2024, 1:23 p.m. hamed:

@hamed Aug. 28, 2024, 1:23 p.m.

New Ghazal Posted: The solitary ascetic went to the tavern last night, Ghazal 170 by Hafez

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The solitary ascetic went to the tavern last night, Ghazal 170 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

The solitary ascetic went to the tavern last night,
He broke his vows and embraced the cup.

The Sufi of the gathering, who once broke glasses and cups,
Became wise and sage with a single sip of wine.

The witness of youth's era had come to him in a dream,
And now, in his old age, he has become a lover and madman.

A coquettish girl passed by, a robber of faith and heart,
In pursuit of that familiar one, she became estranged from all.

The fire of the rose's face burned the nightingale's haystack,
The smiling face of the candle became a calamity for the moth.

The tears of night and morning, thank God, were not wasted,
Our drop of rain became a single pearl.

The narcissus-eyed cupbearer called out, a verse of enchantment,
Our circle of prayers became a gathering of tales.

Hafez's abode is now the court of a king,
The heart went to the heart's beloved, the soul to the soul's beloved.