On Aug. 30, 2024, 7:02 a.m. hamed:

@hamed Aug. 30, 2024, 7:02 a.m.

New Ghazal Posted: Not every one who lights up a face knows how to be a lover, Ghazal 177 by Hafez Shirazi

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Not every one who lights up a face knows how to be a lover, Ghazal 177 by Hafez Shirazi

Description: English Translation:

Not every one who lights up a face knows how to be a lover,
Not everyone who makes a mirror knows the ways of Alexander.

Not everyone who tilts their hat and sits haughtily
Knows the art of hat-wearing and the manner of a lord.

Do not serve like beggars, expecting a reward,
For a true friend knows the ways of serving his servants.

I am a slave to the ambition of that carefree rogue,
Who knows the alchemy of poverty.

Loyalty and a good covenant are good if you learn them,
Otherwise, everyone you see knows oppression.

I lost my mad heart and did not know
That a human child knows the ways of a fairy.

There are a thousand subtleties finer than hair in this,
Not everyone who shaves their head knows the way of a dervish.

My focus is on the mole between your eyes,
For it knows the value of a single pearl.

Everyone who becomes the king of beauties by their stature and face,
The world would obey if justice knew.

Only one who knows the grace of nature and the art of Persian speech
Will understand the charming poetry of Hafez.