On Aug. 30, 2024, 7:08 a.m. hamed:

@hamed Aug. 30, 2024, 7:08 a.m.

New Ghazal Posted: Whoever becomes the confidant of the heart in the beloved's sanctuary will remain, Ghazal 178 by Hafez

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Whoever becomes the confidant of the heart in the beloved's sanctuary will remain, Ghazal 178 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

Whoever becomes the confidant of the heart in the beloved's sanctuary will remain,
And whoever doesn't know this art will remain in denial.

If my heart has slipped out from behind the veil, do not blame it,
Thank God that it did not remain hidden in the veil of illusion.

The Sufis have all abandoned the group of wine drinkers,
While our cloak remained in the wine seller's house.

The morality enforcer became a sheikh and forgot his own sin,
Our story is one that will remain on everyone's lips.

Every ruby wine we took from that crystal hand,
Became water of regret and remained in our tearful eyes.

Except for my heart, which from eternity to eternity has been in love,
We have never heard of anyone else who remained in this affair.

Whoever became ill wishing to have eyes like yours,
Did not achieve your manner and remained ill.

I have never heard anything sweeter than the sound of love's speech,
A memory that will remain in this revolving dome.

I had a cloak that covered my hundred faults,
The robe was pawned for wine and music, and remained a girdle.

The Chinese portrait was so amazed by your beauty,
That its story remained everywhere on doors and walls.

One day, Hafez's heart will return to the spectacle of your locks,
And remain captured forever.