On Aug. 30, 2024, 7:21 a.m. hamed:

@hamed Aug. 30, 2024, 7:21 a.m.

New Ghazal Posted: O pistachio of your smile that has mocked the tale of sugar, Ghazal 180 by Hafez Shirazi

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O pistachio of your smile that has mocked the tale of sugar, Ghazal 180 by Hafez Shirazi

Description: English Translation:

O pistachio of your smile that has mocked the tale of sugar,
I long to see you smile sweetly, for God's sake.

The tree of life cannot breathe from your stature,
I shall pass over this story, for the speech becomes long.

If you wish that a river of blood does not rise from your eye,
Do not bind your heart to the loyalty of the company of strangers.

Whether you show yourself or taunt me,
We are not believers of the self-satisfied sheikh.

When will he become aware of my troubled state?
He whose heart has not been captured by this snare.

The market of longing is hot, where is that slender cypress?
So that I may sacrifice my life on the fire of its face.

In the place where our beloved breathes with a sugar-sweet smile,
O pistachio, who are you? For God's sake, do not mock me.

Hafez, since you do not abandon the coquetry of the Turks,
Do you know where your place is? Khwarezm or Khudjand?