On Sept. 5, 2024, 12:28 p.m. hamed:

@hamed Sept. 5, 2024, 12:28 p.m.

New Ghazal Posted: Those who are unaware are bewildered by our love game, Ghazal 193 by Hafez

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Those who are unaware are bewildered by our love game, Ghazal 193 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

Those who are unaware are bewildered by our love game,
I am as I seem, and they think they understand.

The wise are the points of the compass of existence, but
Love knows that they are wandering in this circle.

The vision of his face is not only in my eye,
The moon and sun also turn this mirror.

God made a covenant between us and sweet-lipped ones,
We are all servants, and these people are lords.

We are impoverished and crave wine and music,
Alas, if they don't pawn their woolen cloaks.

The sun cannot unite with a blind moth,
For in that mirror, the discerning are bewildered.

Boasting about love and complaining about the beloved, what a false boast!
Such lovers are deserving of separation.

Unless your black eyes teach you a lesson,
Otherwise, secrecy and intoxication are not possible for everyone.

If the wind carries your scent to the meadow of spirits,
Reason and soul will scatter their essence as an offering.

If the ascetic does not understand Hafez's revelry, what has become of him?
The devil would flee from those people who read the Quran.

If the hypocrites become aware of our secret thoughts,
After this, they will not pawn their Sufi cloaks.