On Sept. 5, 2024, 12:47 p.m. hamed:

@hamed Sept. 5, 2024, 12:47 p.m.

New Ghazal Posted: Kings are slaves to your intoxicated narcissus, Ghazal 195 by Hafez

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Kings are slaves to your intoxicated narcissus, Ghazal 195 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

Kings are slaves to your intoxicated narcissus,
The wise are ruined by the wine of your ruby lips.

The breeze has become a tale-bearer for you, and my tears for me,
Otherwise, lovers and beloveds are secret-keepers.

When you pass beneath your double curls, look,
See how many mourners there are on your right and left.

Pass like the breeze over the violet garden and see,
How restless they are from the entanglement of your curls.

Paradise is our destiny, O God-knower, go,
For sinners are deserving of your grace.

It's not only me who composes a ghazal for that rose-like face,
For your nightingale, from every side, are thousands.

Be my helper, O Khidr of a fortunate journey, for I
Am walking on foot, and my companions are riding.

Come to the tavern and make your face purple,
Don't go to the monastery, for there are evil-doers.

May Hafez never be freed from that lustrous curl,
For those bound by your snare are the saved ones.