On Sept. 5, 2024, 2:14 p.m. hamed:

@hamed Sept. 5, 2024, 2:14 p.m.

New Ghazal Posted: Do you know what the lute and the oud are saying? Ghazal 200 by Hafez

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Do you know what the lute and the oud are saying? Ghazal 200 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

Do you know what the lute and the oud are saying?
They secretly drink wine, even though they’ll be punished.

They take away the honor of love and the splendor of lovers,
They find fault with the young and reprimand the old.

Nothing but a dark heart has resulted, and still
They falsely believe they are making elixir.

They say, “Don’t reveal or listen to the secret of love,”
It’s a difficult tale they tell.

We, deceived from outside the curtain by a hundred tricks,
What schemes do they have inside the curtain?

The worry of the old Magi's time they give back,
Look at these seekers and what they do to the old.

A hundred kingdoms of the heart can be bought with half a glance,
The beautiful ones are at fault in this transaction.

One group, with earnestness and striving, established a connection with the beloved,
Another group simply resigns it to fate.

In short, don’t trust in the permanence of the world,
For this is a factory where things are constantly changed.

Drink wine, for the sheikh, Hafez, the mullah, and the censor,
If you look closely, all of them are hypocrites.