On Sept. 9, 2024, 9:18 a.m. hamed:

@hamed Sept. 9, 2024, 9:18 a.m.

New Ghazal Posted: Now that the flower has come into existence from nothingness in the meadow, Ghazal 218 by Hafez

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Now that the flower has come into existence from nothingness in the meadow, Ghazal 218 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

Now that the flower has come into existence from nothingness in the meadow,
The violet has bowed its head in prostration at its feet.

Drink a cup of morning wine to the sound of the tambourine and lute,
Kiss the cupbearer's cup to the melody of the ney and oud.

Do not sit around the flower without wine, a beloved, and a lute,
For such days as these are few like the days of eternity.

With the emergence of the hyacinths, the sky has become bright,
The earth, with a lucky star and a prosperous fate.

From the hand of the delicate-faced, breath-of-Jesus beloved,
Drink wine and forget the tales of Aad and Thamud.

The world has become like the heavenly paradise around the lily and rose,
But what good is it if eternity is not possible within it?

Like Solomon, the flower will ride upon the air,
At dawn when the bird rises with the melody of David.

In the garden, renew the religion of Zoroaster,
Now that the tulip has kindled the fire of Nimrod.

Ask for a cup of morning wine in remembrance of Asaf of the era,
The minister of Solomon's kingdom, the pillar of the religion, Mahmud.

It may be that Hafez's gathering, through the blessing of his upbringing,
Everything he desires will be present.