On Sept. 12, 2024, 12:36 p.m. hamed:

@hamed Sept. 12, 2024, 12:36 p.m.

New Ghazal Posted: The cupbearer speaks of the cypress, rose, and tulip, Ghazal 225 by Hafez

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The cupbearer speaks of the cypress, rose, and tulip, Ghazal 225 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

The cupbearer speaks of the cypress, rose, and tulip,
And this discussion leads to the three washerwomen.

Give me wine, for the bride of the meadow has reached the pinnacle of beauty,
The work of this time is being carried out by the matchmaker.

All the Indian parrots will become sugar-crushers
From this Persian sugar that goes to Bengal.

See the passage of place and time in the pursuit of poetry,
For this child covers a year's journey in one night.

See that enchanting eye that deceives the ascetic,
Leading a caravan of magic in its wake.

Do not go the way of the world's coquetry, for this old woman
Sits deceitfully and treacherously.

The spring breeze blows from the king's rose garden,
And a dewdrop of wine falls into the cup of the tulip.

Hafez, in his eagerness for the gathering of Sultan Ghiyasuddin,
Be not heedless, for your work is being ruined by your laments.