On Sept. 16, 2024, 12:39 p.m. hamed:

@hamed Sept. 16, 2024, 12:39 p.m.

New Ghazal Posted: My breath escapes, yet my desire for you does not fade, Ghazal 237 by Hafez

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My breath escapes, yet my desire for you does not fade, Ghazal 237 by Hafez

Description: English Translation:

My breath escapes, yet my desire for you does not fade,
Alas, my fortune does not awaken from sleep.

The morning breeze has cast dust from your path into my eyes,
So that the water of life does not appear in my sight.

Until I embrace your tall stature,
The tree of my desire and hope will not bear fruit.

Unless I fall at the feet of my beloved, the lovely one,
In no way will any other matter be resolved.

My heart has become a resident of your curl, having seen a happy omen,
And no news comes from that unfortunate stranger.

With the purity of my heart, I have released a thousand arrows of prayer,
But to no avail, not a single one hits the mark.

The beginning of my heart's story is with the morning breeze,
But to my misfortune, dawn does not come tonight.

In this thought, the time of my life has passed, and still,
The calamity of your dark curl does not leave my head.

Because Hafez's heart has become so weary of everyone,
Now it cannot escape from the snare of your locks.