A greeting like the sweet scent of familiarity, Ghazal 492 by Hafez

A greeting like the sweet scent of familiarity, Ghazal 492 by Hafez

By @hamed on October 12, 2024

A greeting like the sweet scent of familiarity, Ghazal 492 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi

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In this ghazāl, Hafez expresses feelings of loneliness, betrayal, and spiritual longing. He contrasts the superficiality of worldly relationships with the depth of spiritual connection.

Key Themes:

Friendship and betrayal: The poet laments the loss of true friends and the betrayal he has experienced.
Spiritual longing: He seeks a deeper spiritual connection and criticizes superficial religiosity.
The tavern as a symbol: The tavern is used as a metaphor for a place of spiritual enlightenment.

English Translation for Ghazal

A greeting like the sweet scent of familiarity
To those people with enlightened eyes

A blessing like the light of the hearts of the pious
To that candle of the pious hermitage

I see none of my companions remaining
My heart is bleeding from the sorrow of the absent cupbearer

Don't turn your face from the tavern's alley, for there
They sell the key that opens the difficult lock

The bride of the world, though she is beautiful
Exceeds the limit with her unfaithfulness

If my weary heart has any courage
It will not want the mummified remains of the heartless

Where do they sell the Sufi's wine
For I am burning from the hand of hypocritical asceticism

My companions have broken the covenant of friendship
As if there had never been any familiarity

If you let me go, O greedy soul
I will become a great king in poverty

I will teach you the alchemy of happiness
Separation from bad companions is separation

Do not complain, Hafez, of the injustice of time
For how can you, a servant, know the work of God?

Ghazal in Persian

سلامی چو بوی خوش آشنایی

بدان مردم دیده روشنایی


درودی چو نور دل پارسایان

بدان شمع خلوتگه پارسایی


نمی‌بینم از همدمان هیچ بر جای

دلم خون شد از غصه ساقی کجایی


ز کوی مغان رخ مگردان که آنجا

فروشند مفتاح مشکل‌گشایی


عروس جهان گرچه در حد حسن است

ز حد می‌برد شیوه بی‌وفایی


دل خستهٔ من گرش همتی هست

نخواهد ز سنگین‌دلان مومیایی


می صوفی‌افکن کجا می‌فروشند

که در تابم از دست زهد ریایی


رفیقان چنان عهد صحبت شکستند

که گویی نبوده‌ست خود آشنایی


مرا گر تو بگذاری ای نفس طامع

بسی پادشایی کنم در گدایی


بیاموزمت کیمیای سعادت

ز همصحبت بد جدایی جدایی


مکن حافظ از جور دوران شکایت

چه دانی تو ای بنده، کارِ خدایی

@hamed Oct. 12, 2024, 9:39 p.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

مغان: Magi, referring to Zoroastrian priests, often used metaphorically for spiritual guides
ساقی: cupbearer, often used as a symbol of divine love

Some of the nuances that are difficult to fully capture in translation include:

The intricate use of imagery: Hafez often uses multiple layers of symbolism and metaphor to convey his meaning.
The musicality of the Persian language: The sounds and rhythms of the Persian language contribute significantly to the emotional impact of the poem.
Sufi concepts: The poem is rich in Sufi symbolism and concepts, which can be challenging to convey in a different cultural context.