A heart that is a seer and possesses the Jamshid's cup, Ghazal 119 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 33 4

دلی که غیب نمای است و جامِ جم دارد

ز خاتمی که دمی گم شود، چه غم دارد؟


به خَطُّ و خالِ گدایان مده خزینهٔ دل

به دستِ شاهوَشی دِه که محترم دارد


نه هر درخت تحمّل کند جفایِ خزان

غلامِ همتِ سروم که این قدم دارد


رسید موسمِ آن کز طرب چو نرگسِ مست

نهد به پایِ قدح هر که شش درم دارد


زر از بهایِ می اکنون چو گل دریغ مدار

که عقلِ کل به صدت عیب متّهم دارد


ز سِرِّ غیب کس آگاه نیست، قصّه مخوان

کدام مَحرمِ دل ره در این حرم دارد؟


دلم که لافِ تَجَرُّد زدی، کنون صد شغل

به بویِ زلفِ تو با بادِ صبحدم دارد


مرادِ دل ز که پرسم؟ که نیست دلداری

که جلوهٔ نظر و شیوهٔ کرم دارد


ز جِیبِ خرقهٔ حافظ چه طَرف بِتوان بست

که ما صمد طلبیدیم و او صَنم دارد



English Translation:

A heart that is a seer and possesses the Jamshid's cup,
What grief does it have from a seal that is lost for a moment?

Do not give the treasure of your heart to the line and mole of beggars,
Give it to a kingly hand that will hold it with respect.

Not every tree can endure the cruelty of autumn,
I am a slave to the cypress's ambition, which has this stature.

The season has arrived for us to be as intoxicated as the narcissus,
And for everyone to put six dirhams at the foot of the goblet.

Do not withhold gold from the price of wine now,
For all-knowing reason will accuse you a hundred times.

No one knows the secret of the unseen, do not tell the tale,
Who has the intimacy with the heart to enter this sanctuary?

My heart, which boasted of asceticism, now has a hundred tasks
With the scent of your curl and the morning breeze.

From whom should I ask for my heart's desire?
Who has the appearance of favor and the manner of kindness?

What can be taken from Hafez's patched robe?
For we sought the eternal, but he has an idol.

English Translation for Ghazal

English translation for Ghazal.

متن غزل

Original poem in Persian

@hamed Aug. 12, 2024, 4:52 p.m.

Explanation of the Ghazal

In this ghazal, Hafez explores themes of love, spirituality, and the complexities of human nature.

@hamed Aug. 12, 2024, 4:52 p.m.

Key Themes:

Spiritual Knowledge: The poet positions himself as a spiritual seeker, possessing profound insights into the nature of reality.
Love and Devotion: The poet expresses deep devotion to his beloved, using rich imagery and symbolism.
The Transient Nature of Life: The poet reflects on the impermanence of worldly possessions and the enduring nature of spiritual love.

@hamed Aug. 12, 2024, 4:53 p.m.

Key Persian terms and their nuances:

جام جم: The legendary cup of Jamshid, a mythical Persian king, said to reveal the past, present, and future.
خاتم: Seal, ring (often used as a metaphor for a lover's mark)
نرگس: Narcissus (a flower often associated with beauty and vanity)

@hamed Aug. 12, 2024, 4:53 p.m.

This ghazal is a beautiful example of Hafez's poetic mastery, combining deep philosophical thoughts with everyday imagery. The poet's use of metaphors and similes creates a vivid and evocative picture of the human experience.