A heart that is both in love and patient—could it be stone?
For from love to patience, a thousand leagues are known.
O brothers of the path, do not counsel me to repent,
For in the way of love, repentance is glass against stone.
No longer can I secretly enjoy wine and music,
For in the religion of lovers, reputation is a disgrace.
What advice or remedy could help me now?
My eyes are fixed on the cupbearer, my ears on the lute's vow.
I’ve clutched the hem of the morning breeze as a keepsake,
Yet, alas, holding the wind in one’s hand is a futile stake.
Who will carry a message to the one angered with me?
Come back, for we’ve thrown down our shields if this is war’s decree.
Strike me down as you wish, for without your sight,
The vastness of the world feels unbearably tight.
Blame will not erase love from Saadi’s heart;
Can the blackness of a Nubian’s skin be washed apart?