A thousand hardships may befall me, yet they seem easy, Ghazal 82 by Saady

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 32 0

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This ghazal by Saadi explores the themes of love, devotion, and self-awareness. The poet speaks of enduring hardships willingly for the sake of love, viewing even pain and cruelty from the beloved as a form of grace. He contrasts the spiritual joy of love with the shallow understanding of those who cannot perceive its depths, likening them to animals. Saadi also reflects on the futility of justifying oneself, acknowledging human imperfection and embracing humility. The poem beautifully blends the mystic and the earthly, showcasing Saadi’s profound understanding of love’s trials and transformations.

English Translation for Ghazal

A thousand hardships may befall me, yet they seem easy,
For my love and devotion to you are multiplied greatly.

The journey to the beloved is never too long,
For the thorns in love's desert feel like roses and song.

Should you inflict cruelty, it feels like care,
And even if you scar me, it becomes my repair.

If you desire the shedding of my heart's blood,
I would not resist but obey as I should.

Wise men marvel at my strange reason,
To surrender my heart to you, defying all caution.

It’s no wonder if I find no peace away from you,
For the wound of separation burns deep and true.

How strange is the musk-scented curl of your hair,
That, resting by your side, remains in disarray there.

Those unaware of love's spiritual delight,
Are no different from beasts in their sight.

They think that in love's orchard, Saadi’s eyes rest,
On the apple of cheeks or pomegranate of the breast.

Indeed, silence is more fitting for me,
For ignorance requires no defense or plea.

I neither absolve myself nor claim purity,
For all human actions fall within possibility.

متن غزل

هزار سختی اگر بر من آید آسان است

که دوستی و ارادت هزار چندان است


سفر دراز نباشد به پای طالب دوست

که خار دشت محبت گل است و ریحان است


اگر تو جور کنی جور نیست، تربیتست

و گر تو داغ نهی داغ نیست، درمان است


نه آبروی که گر خون دل بخواهی ریخت

مخالفت نکنم آن کنم که فرمان است


ز عقل من عجب آید صوابگویان را

که دل به دست تو دادن خِلاف در جان است


من از کنار تو دور اوفتاده‌ام نه عجب

گرم قرار نباشد، که داغِ هجران است


عجب در آن سر زلف مُعَنْبَرِ مَفتول

که در کنار تو خسبد چرا پریشان است؟


جماعتی که ندانند حظ روحانی

تفاوتی که میان دَواب و انسان است


گمان برند که در باغ عشق، سعدی را

نظر به سیب زنخدان و نار پستان است


مرا هرآینه خاموش بودن اولی‌تر

که جهل پیش خردمند عذر نادان است


وَ ما أُبَرِّئُ نَفْسی و لا أُزَکِّیها

که هر چه نقل کنند از بشر در امکان است