Alas for the eye that has not beheld your face, Ghazal 61 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 33 0

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This ghazal by Saadi expresses deep admiration and longing for the beloved's unparalleled beauty and charm. Through powerful imagery, Saadi conveys the transformative effect of witnessing such a radiant presence, likening it to the sun encircled by dark musk and comparing its allure to legendary lovers like Farhad and Shirin. The poem emphasizes the beloved's uniqueness, suggesting that no one else can compare, and portrays the lover's devotion as absolute and unshaken. It concludes with a poignant note, reflecting Saadi’s own suffering under the weight of love, manifested in unceasing tears—a testament to the beauty and anguish of devotion.

English Translation for Ghazal

Alas for the eye that has not beheld your face,
Or, having seen you, gazed upon another’s grace.

If rivals were to see the visage of this fairy,
They’d understand why madness rends garments so freely.

Who is it whose radiant beauty, like the sun,
Draws a dark circle of musk around everyone?

O wise one, if you endure a stone at your feet,
You’d know why Farhad carved through rock to meet.

No pity stirs in the heart of one unaware,
Of the sweetness of Shirin’s words so fair.

From the curve of your bow-shaped brow in the city,
No heart is untouched, no breast still—such is its pity.

It’s beyond thought, what a wondrous tree you are,
Clear it is no one has tasted your fruit thus far.

From the divine pen of power, without parallel,
Your beauty shines in mirrors, where its secrets dwell.

We desire from you nothing but you, indeed,
Give sweetness to those who’ve never tasted love’s need.

Despite this deluge of sorrow upon Saadi’s brow,
It’s no wonder his eyes overflow with tears now.

متن غزل

افسوس بر آن دیده که روی تو ندیده‌ست

یا دیده و بعد از تو به رویی نگریده‌ست


گر مدعیان نقش ببینند پری را

دانند که دیوانه چرا جامه دریده‌ست


آن کیست که پیرامن خورشید جمالش

از مشک سیه دایرهٔ نیمه کشیده‌ست


ای عاقل اگر پای به سنگیت برآید

فرهاد بدانی که چرا سنگ بریده‌ست


رحمت نکند بر دل بیچاره فرهاد

آنکس که سخن گفتن شیرین نشنیده‌ست


از دست کمان مهرهٔ ابروی تو در شهر

دل نیست که در بر چو کبوتر نطپیده‌ست


در وهم نیاید که چه مطبوع درختی

پیداست که هرگز کس از این میوه نچیده‌ست


سر قلم قدرت بی چون الهی

در روی تو چون روی در آیینه پدید است


ما از تو به غیر از تو نداریم تمنا

حلوا به کسی ده که محبت نچشیده‌ست


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