As a wine jug, I boil with the fire of my heart, Ghazal 340 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 47 1

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This ghazal by Hafez is a deeply personal and confessional poem. The poet explores themes of love, longing, and the complexities of human nature.

Key Themes:

The pain of love: The poet expresses the intense pain of unrequited love and the longing for his beloved.
Spiritual conflict: The poet grapples with the conflict between his spiritual aspirations and his worldly desires.
The role of fate: The poet acknowledges the role of fate in his life and expresses hope for divine mercy.
The poet's humility: The poet presents himself as a sinner seeking forgiveness.

English Translation for Ghazal

As a wine jug, I boil with the fire of my heart
I have sealed my lips, I drink blood and am silent.

My desire is to lay claim to the lips of my beloved
See me, I strive with my soul in this matter.

When will I be free from the sorrow of my heart? For every moment
An Indian beauty's locks ring in my ear.

Far be it from me to claim belief in my own obedience
This much is true: I occasionally drink a cup.

I have hope that on the Day of Judgment, despite the enemy
His forgiving grace will not place the burden of sin on my shoulders.

My father sold the garden of Paradise for two grains of wheat
Why shouldn't I sell the kingdom of the world for a drop?

My wearing a robe is not out of the utmost piety
It is a veil over a hundred hidden faults.

I who desire to drink nothing but from the tavern
What can I do if I do not listen to the words of the old wine-seller?

If the musician of the love assembly strikes up a tune like this
Hafez's poetry will take my senses away during the mystical trance.

متن غزل

من که از آتشِ دل چون خُمِ مِی در جوشم

مُهر بر لب زده، خون می‌خورم و خاموشم


قصدِ جان است طمع در لبِ جانان کردن

تو مرا بین که در این کار به جان می‌کوشم


من کِی آزاد شَوَم از غمِ دل؟ چون هر دَم

هندویِ زلفِ بُتی حلقه کُنَد در گوشم


حاشَ لِلَّه که نیَم معتقدِ طاعتِ خویش

این قَدَر هست که گَه گَه قدحی می‌نوشم


هست امیدم که علیرغمِ عدو روزِ جزا

فیضِ عَفوَش نَنَهد بارِ گُنَه بر دوشم


پدرم روضهٔ رضوان به دو گندم بفروخت

من چرا مُلکِ جهان را به جوی نفروشم؟!


خرقه‌پوشیِ من از غایتِ دین‌داری نیست

پرده‌ای بر سرِ صد عیبِ نهان می‌پوشم


من که خواهم که ننوشم به جز از راوَقِ خُم

چه کنم گر سخنِ پیرِ مُغان نَنْیوشَم؟


گر از این دست زَنَد مُطربِ مجلس رَهِ عشق

شعرِ حافظ بِبَرَد وقتِ سماع از هوشم

@hamed Oct. 8, 2024, 11:59 a.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

خُم: Jug
هندوی: Indian (often used metaphorically for a beautiful woman)
راوَقِ خُم: The spout of a jug (metaphorically, the tavern)
Some of the nuances that are difficult to fully capture in translation include:

The intricate use of imagery: Hafez often uses multiple layers of symbolism and metaphor to convey his meaning.
The musicality of the Persian language: The sounds and rhythms of the Persian language contribute significantly to the emotional impact of the poem.
Sufi concepts: The poem is rich in Sufi symbolism and concepts, which can be challenging to convey in a different cultural context.