At dawn, a breeze carried dust from the beloved's street into the desert, Ghazal 107 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 39 0

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This ghazal by Saadi Shirazi captures the ecstasy and suffering of love, where the beloved’s presence or absence determines the lover’s entire existence. The imagery of nature—dust, gardens, wind, and flowers—symbolizes how the beloved’s essence permeates all things. Saadi contrasts the fleeting joys of others with the lover’s timeless devotion, emphasizing that love transforms every moment into a celebration. The beloved’s rejection is not seen as cruelty but as an unchangeable reality, accepted with reverence. Saadi also reflects on the true punishment of envy: watching the beloved sit in company with others. The poem ends with a poignant wish—that the beauty of the gardens could rival the unmatched elegance of the beloved. It is a rich reflection on longing, patience, and the spiritual depths of love.

English Translation for Ghazal

At dawn, a breeze carried dust from the beloved's street into the desert,
And the garden was filled with the fragrance of the beloved, so sweet.

If the beloved shows us kindness, it is a great fortune indeed,
And if not, one must learn to endure the beloved’s own creed.

If I am accepted, the beloved nurtures me as a devoted slave,
And if rejected, who can wrestle with the beloved’s mighty wave?

Whoever yearns for the beloved's face and grace,
Must bear much distress, like the scattered curls of the beloved’s face.

For others, tomorrow brings the joy of a festive day,
But for us, this very moment is joy, as the beloved’s brow lights our way.

Each person is lost in their own game of love and desire,
Until the ball of the heart falls at the beloved’s feet, to retire.

I wish no harm even to my enemy, though misfortune they see,
For it is punishment enough to watch the beloved sit with company.

Everyone finds solace in some garden or field afar,
But the true lover’s heart is drawn only to where the beloved's thoughts are.

Oh, if only the gardens they so admire knew the truth,
If only a nightingale like Saadi sang, or a flower bloomed like the face of the beloved’s youth.

متن غزل

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