At dawn, a traveler in a strange land, Ghazal 483 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 54 1

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In this ghazāl, Hafez explores themes of spirituality, hypocrisy, and the search for meaning. He critiques religious hypocrisy and the pursuit of worldly possessions, while also expressing a desire for spiritual enlightenment and human connection.

Key Themes:

Spiritual hypocrisy: Hafez criticizes those who claim to be spiritual but are inwardly corrupt.
The search for meaning: The poet expresses a longing for deeper meaning and understanding of life.
The importance of human connection: Hafez emphasizes the value of human relationships and compassion.

English Translation for Ghazal

At dawn, a traveler in a strange land
Was saying this riddle to a companion

“O Sufi, wine becomes pure only when
It has matured for forty days in a bottle”

God is a hundred times disgusted with that robe
That has a hundred idols in its sleeve

Although generosity is a nameless quality
Make a request of the beautiful one

Your reward will be, O owner of the harvest
If you show mercy to the grape picker

I see no joy of life in anyone
Neither a cure for a heart nor a remedy for religion

Hearts have become dark, perhaps from the unseen
A hermit will kindle a light

If there’s no Solomon’s finger
What good is a ring?

Although it is the custom of the beautiful to be harsh
What if they were to reconcile with sadness?

Show me the way to the tavern so I may ask
About the fate of myself through foresight

Neither Hafez has the presence of a private lesson
Nor the wise man has certain knowledge

متن غزل

سحرگه ره‎روی در سرزمینی

همی‌گفت این معما با قرینی


که ای صوفی شراب آنگه شود صاف

که در شیشه برآرد اربعینی


خدا زان خرقه بیزار است صد بار

که صد بت باشدش در آستینی


مروت گرچه نامی بی‌نشان است

نیازی عرضه کن بر نازنینی


ثوابت باشد ای دارای خرمن

اگر رحمی کنی بر خوشه‌چینی


نمی‌بینم نشاط عیش در کس

نه درمان دلی نه درد دینی


درون‌ها تیره شد باشد که از غیب

چراغی برکند خلوت‌نشینی


گر انگشت سلیمانی نباشد

چه خاصیت دهد نقش نگینی؟


اگرچه رسم خوبان تندخویی‌ست

چه باشد گر بسازد با غمینی


ره میخانه بنما تا بپرسم

مآل خویش را از پیش‌بینی


نه حافظ را حضور درس خلوت

نه دانشمند را علم‌ الیقینی

@hamed Oct. 12, 2024, 9:08 p.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

اربعین: forty days, a period of spiritual significance in many religions
سلیمانی: Solomon’s, referring to the legendary ring of Solomon that gave him great power

Some of the nuances that are difficult to fully capture in translation include:

The intricate use of imagery: Hafez often uses multiple layers of symbolism and metaphor to convey his meaning.
The musicality of the Persian language: The sounds and rhythms of the Persian language contribute significantly to the emotional impact of the poem.
Sufi concepts: The poem is rich in Sufi symbolism and concepts, which can be challenging to convey in a different cultural context.