At dawn, when the eastern lamp shines its rays on all sides, Ghazal 293 by Hafez
By @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 5 4
بامدادان که ز خلوتگَهِ کاخِ اِبداع
شمعِ خاور فِکَنَد بر همه اطراف شُعاع
بَرکَشَد آینه از جِیبِ افق چرخ و در آن
بنماید رخِ گیتی به هزاران انواع
در زوایایِ طَرَبخانهٔ جمشیدِ فلک
اَرغَنون ساز کُنَد زهره به آهنگِ سَماع
چنگ در غُلغُله آید که کجا شد منکر؟
جام در قَهقَهه آید که کجا شد مَنّاع؟
وضعِ دوران بنگر ساغرِ عِشرت بَر گیر
که به هر حالتی این است بِهینِ اوضاع
طُرِّهٔ شاهدِ دنیی همه بند است و فریب
عارفان بر سرِ این رشته نجویند نِزاع
عمرِ خسرو طلب ار نفعِ جهان میخواهی
که وجودیست عطابخشِ کریمِ نَفّاع
مَظهَرِ لطفِ ازل، روشنی چشمِ اَمَل
جامعِ علم و عمل جانِ جهان، شاه شجاع
English Translation:
At dawn, when the eastern lamp shines its rays on all sides
From the secluded palace of creation,
A mirror rises from the pocket of the celestial sphere,
And shows the face of the universe in a thousand forms.
In the corners of Jamshid's celestial tavern,
Venus plays the organ with a musical sound.
The lute cries out, "Where is the denier?"
The cup laughs, "Where is the miser?"
Look at the state of the world, take the cup of pleasure,
For in any case, this is the best situation.
The lock of the world's beloved is all a trick and deceit,
The wise do not argue over this thread.
If you seek the life of Khusrow and the benefits of the world,
Then seek a generous and bountiful existence.
The manifestation of eternal grace, the light of hope,
The embodiment of knowledge and action, the life of the world, King Shoja.
English Translation for Ghazal
متن غزل
Explanation of the Ghazal
This ghazal by Hafez is a beautiful celebration of life, love, and the wonders of the universe. The poet uses vivid imagery and cosmic metaphors to convey his message of joy and optimism.
Key Themes:
Cosmic beauty and wonder: The poet describes the beauty of the universe and the cyclical nature of existence.
The transience of life: The poet reminds us of the fleeting nature of life and the importance of enjoying the present moment.
The power of love and beauty: The poet extols the power of love and beauty to transform our lives.
Praise of the king: The poet praises King Shajاع, comparing him to a divine figure.
Key Persian terms and nuances:
کاخِ اِبداع: Palace of creation
جمشید: A legendary king in Persian mythology associated with a golden age
اَرغَنون: Organ (a musical instrument)
سَماع: Sufi whirling dance
خسرو: A title given to Persian kings, often used as a synonym for a powerful ruler
نَفّاع: Bountiful, generous
Some of the nuances that are difficult to fully capture in translation include:
The intricate use of imagery: Hafez often uses multiple layers of symbolism and metaphor to convey his meaning.
The musicality of the Persian language: The sounds and rhythms of the Persian language contribute significantly to the emotional impact of the poem.
Sufi concepts: The poem is rich in Sufi symbolism and concepts, which can be challenging to convey in a different cultural context.
Astrological and astronomical references: The poem makes references to celestial bodies and cosmic events.