At the beginning of this book, in the name of the knowing God, Ghazal 1 from Saadi

At the beginning of this book, in the name of the knowing God, Ghazal 1 from Saadi

By @hamed on October 22, 2024

At the beginning of this book, in the name of the knowing God, Ghazal 1 from Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi

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The first Ghazal from Divan of Saadi Shirazi.

This beautiful ghazal by Saadi Shirazi praises the wisdom and greatness of the Creator. It opens by acknowledging God as the omniscient and omnipotent maker of the universe. It marvels at the beauty and perfection of God's creation, from the simplest creatures like insects to the mighty elements of nature.

The poem emphasizes the notion of divine providence, stating that every being, no matter how insignificant, receives its sustenance from God. It highlights the intricacies of creation, such as the transformation of water into honey by bees and the growth of a palm tree from a tiny seed. Saadi reflects on how even the smallest needs of creatures are known and provided for by the omniscient God.

In conclusion, Saadi humbly acknowledges the limitations of human understanding and language in fully expressing the magnitude of God's greatness. He admits that while he speaks to the best of his understanding, the true essence of divine perfection is beyond human comprehension.

English Translation for Ghazal

At the beginning of this book, in the name of the knowing God 
The Creator, the sustainer, the powerful

The greatest and most supreme, God of the universe and mankind
Created a beautiful form and a noble character

From the door of generosity and servitude
The bird of the air receives its portion, and the fish of the sea

They eat their portion, the rich and the poor
The mosquito and the simurgh carry their own sustenance

The ant needs to know the knowledge of the unseen
At the bottom of a well, beneath a solid rock

Animals are created from a drop, and sugar from a reed
A wet leaf from dry wood, and a spring from a thorn

He created a sweet drink from the bee's sting 
A tall palm tree from a date seed

Independent of all, and compassionate towards all
Hidden from all the world, and yet apparent to all

The rays of light of His attributes of majesty
Beyond the comprehension of the wise in their greatness

He does not place a tongue in the mouth of the intoxicated mystic
Yet he praises and glorifies, for every hair on his body

Whoever does not know how to give thanks for today's blessings
It is a pity for him to eat of tomorrow's mercy

O Lord, the protector and the manager
And free from all defects, and most pure

We cannot do justice to praising You
With all the cherubim of the highest heaven

Saadi has spoken from what he understands
Otherwise, how could his imagination reach Your perfection?

Ghazal in Persian

اول دفتر به نام ایزد دانا

صانع پروردگار حی توانا


اکبر و اعظم، خدای عالم و آدم

صورت خوب آفرید و سیرت زیبا


از در بخشندگی و بنده‌نوازی

مرغ هوا را نصیب و ماهی دریا


قسمت خود می‌خورند، مُنعِم و درویش

روزی خود می‌برند پشّه و عَنقا


حاجت موری به علم غیب بداند

در بُنِ چاهی به زیر صخرهٔ صَمّا


جانور از نطفه می‌کند، شکر از نی

برگِ تر از چوب خشک و چشمه ز خارا


شربت نوش آفرید از مگسِ نَحْل

نَخل تناور کند ز دانهٔ خرما


از همگان بی‌نیاز و بر همه مشفق

از همه عالم نهان و بر همه پیدا


پرتو نور سُرادِقات جَلالش

از عظمت، ماورای فکرت دانا


خود نه زبان در دهان عارف مدهوش

حمد و ثنا می‌کند، که موی بر اعضا


هر که نداند سپاس نعمت امروز

حیف خورد بر نصیب رحمت فردا


بار خدایا مُهَیْمِنی و مُدَبِّر

وز همه عیبی مقدّسی و مُبَرّا


ما نتوانیم حق حمد تو گفتن

با همه کَرّوبیان عالم بالا


سعدی از آنجا که فهم اوست سخن گفت

ور نه کمال تو، وَهْم کی رسد آنجا؟