At this moment, I see it fit, Ghazal 355 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi | 72 1

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This ghazāl by Hafez is a deeply personal reflection on the poet's spiritual journey and his desire for a simple, authentic life.

Key Themes:

Spiritual seeking: The poet expresses a desire for spiritual enlightenment and a longing for a deeper connection to the divine.
Rejection of hypocrisy: The poet rejects the hypocrisy and pretense of religious and social institutions.
The simplicity of life: The poet finds solace in a simple life, free from the complexities and burdens of the world.
Love and longing: The poet's longing for his beloved is intertwined with his spiritual seeking.

English Translation for Ghazal

At this moment, I see it fit
To take my belongings to the tavern and sit comfortably.

I’ll take a cup of wine and distance myself from the hypocritical
Meaning, I will choose the pure-hearted from the people of the world.

Except for my decanter and my book, I shall have no companion or friend
So that I may see fewer deceitful companions in the world.

I will lift my head above the people like a cypress in freedom
If it grants me the hand to gather my skirts from the world.

I have boasted of righteousness while wearing a soiled robe for so long
I am ashamed of the wine server’s face and the colorful wine.

My narrow chest and the burden of his sorrow, alas
My poor heart is not a man for this heavy load.

Whether I am a rogue of the tavern or a saint of the city
These are my belongings that you see, and they are less than that.

I am a servant of the era's Asaf, do not turn my heart from the path
For if I speak, the heavens will seek vengeance.

There is dust of oppression on my heart, O God, do not allow
For my mirror of love to become cloudy.

متن غزل

حالیا مصلحتِ وقت در آن می‌بینم

که کشم رَخت به میخانه و خوش بنشینم


جامِ مِی گیرم و از اهلِ ریا دور شَوَم

یعنی از اهلِ جهان پاکدلی بُگزینم


جز صُراحی و کتابم نَبُوَد یار و ندیم

تا حریفانِ دَغا را به جهان کم بینم


سر به آزادگی از خَلق برآرم چون سَرو

گر دهد دست که دامن ز جهان دَرچینم


بس که در خرقهٔ آلوده زدم لافِ صَلاح

شرمسار از رخِ ساقی و مِیِ رنگینم


سینهٔ تَنگِ من و بارِ غمِ او، هیهات

مردِ این بارِ گران نیست دلِ مسکینم


من اگر رندِ خراباتم و گر زاهدِ شهر

این مَتاعم که همی‌بینی و کمتر زینم


بندهٔ آصفِ عهدم دلم از راه مَبَر

که اگر دَم زَنَم از چرخ بخواهد کینم


بر دلم گرد ستم‌هاست خدایا مپسند

که مکدر شود آیینه مهرآیینم

@hamed Oct. 8, 2024, 5:09 p.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

آصف: A wise counselor in the court of Solomon, often used as a symbol of wisdom and knowledge.
مِی: Wine
صُراحی: Decanter

Some of the nuances that are difficult to fully capture in translation include:

The intricate use of imagery: Hafez often uses multiple layers of symbolism and metaphor to convey his meaning.
The musicality of the Persian language: The sounds and rhythms of the Persian language contribute significantly to the emotional impact of the poem.
Sufi concepts: The poem is rich in Sufi symbolism and concepts, which can be challenging to convey in a different cultural context.