Be patient, O heart, for patience is the way of the pure, Ghazal 48 by Saadi

By hamed @hamed | poet: Saadi Shirazi | 41 0

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This ghazal by Saadi Shirazi reflects themes of love, devotion, and surrender to divine will. The poet emphasizes patience and endurance as marks of true love, accepting both trials and blessings from the beloved as just. Saadi portrays love as an all-encompassing force that demands total submission, leaving no room for selfish desires. The poem also conveys the fleeting nature of life and the unparalleled value of a moment with the beloved, whether human or divine. It concludes with a profound realization: true lovers prioritize the beloved over their own well-being, sacrificing everything for their union.

English Translation for Ghazal

Be patient, O heart, for patience is the way of the pure,
Enduring love’s trials proves devotion endures.

The ruler of acceptance and rejection is the King,
If He strikes, it’s His right; if He blesses, it’s fitting.

Even if summoned, hands still rise in plea,
And even if dismissed, hope does not flee.

The Yemeni lightning flashes, spring’s breeze ascends,
Majnun’s patience falters—where is Layla’s tent?

Neglecting the days of love is a seeker’s disgrace,
Rise with the dawn, for the world meets its end apace.

The company of the dear beloved is life’s true gain,
A single glimpse of the friend is worth both worlds’ domain.

The heart’s pain among friends, if you accept, is just,
Whatever pleases you is the summit of our trust.

The servant claims nothing; the Lord’s decree is right,
If You tread upon me, I will keep my sight fixed bright.

Do not drive me from Your door; that is not the way of loyalty,
In every city, I am a stranger; in every land, I am in poverty.

With all my sins, I still hold hope; with all my fears, I still find grace,
Though my coins are but copper, Your alchemy grants them a golden face.

Saadi, if you are a lover, why desire reunion’s plea?
Whoever seeks the beloved’s heart sacrifices their self entirely.

متن غزل

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