Before you, this was the lovers' greatest hope, Ghazal 206 by Hafez

Before you, this was the lovers' greatest hope, Ghazal 206 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 06, 2024

Before you, this was the lovers' greatest hope, Ghazal 206 by Hafez

By hamed @hamed | poet: Hafez Shirazi

پیش از اینَت بیش از این اندیشهٔ عُشّاق بود

مِهرورزیِ تو با ما شُهرهٔ آفاق بود


یاد باد آن صحبتِ شب‌ها که با نوشین لبان

بحثِ سِرِّ عشق و ذکرِ حلقهٔ عُشّاق بود


پیش از این کاین سقفِ سبز و طاقِ مینا بَرکِشند

مَنظَرِ چشمِ مرا ابرویِ جانان طاق بود


از دَمِ صبحِ ازل تا آخرِ شامِ ابد

دوستی و مِهر بر یک عهد و یک میثاق بود


سایهٔ معشوق اگر افتاد بر عاشق چه شد؟

ما به او محتاج بودیم او به ما مشتاق بود


حُسنِ مَه رویانِ مجلس گرچه دل می‌بُرد و دین

بحثِ ما در لطفِ طبع و خوبیِ اخلاق بود


بر درِ شاهم گدایی نکته‌ای در کار کرد

گفت بر هر خوان که بِنْشَستَم خدا رزّاق بود


رشتهٔ تسبیح اگر بُگْسَست معذورم بدار

دستم اندر دامنِ ساقیِ سیمین ساق بود


در شبِ قدر ار صَبوحی کرده‌ام، عیبم مکن

سرخوش آمد یار و جامی بر کنارِ طاق بود


شعرِ حافظ در زمانِ آدم اندر باغِ خُلد

دفترِ نسرین و گُل را زینتِ اوراق بود



English Translation:

Before you, this was the lovers' greatest hope,
Your love for us was renowned throughout the world.

Remember those nights of conversation with sweet lips,
When we discussed the secret of love and the circle of lovers.

Before this green ceiling and blue tiled arch were raised,
The arch of my beloved's eyebrow was the sight for my eyes.

From the dawn of eternity to the end of everlasting night,
Friendship and love were based on one covenant and one pledge.

If the beloved's shadow fell upon the lover, what happened?
We were in need of him, and he was eager for us.

Although the beauty of the moon-faced ones in the gathering stole hearts and faith,
Our discussion was about the grace of temperament and goodness of character.

At the king's door, my begging achieved something,
He said, "At every table I sat, God was the provider."

If my rosary broke, forgive me,
My hand was in the lap of the wine-server with the silver leg.

If I drank wine on the Night of Power, do not blame me,
My beloved came drunk, and a cup was by the arch.

Hafez's poetry, in Adam's time, in the Garden of Eden,
Was the ornament of the pages of the book of myrtle and rose.

@hamed Sept. 6, 2024, 3:30 p.m.

Explanation of the Ghazal

In this ghazal, Hafez explores themes of love, spirituality, and the transience of life. He uses vivid imagery and symbolism to convey his message.

@hamed Sept. 6, 2024, 3:30 p.m.

Key Themes:

Divine Love: The poet presents love as a spiritual connection that transcends time and space.
The Beloved: The beloved is idealized and seen as the object of the poet's devotion.
The Tavern and Wine: These are symbols of spiritual ecstasy and liberation.

@hamed Sept. 6, 2024, 3:31 p.m.

Key Persian terms and nuances:

عُشّاق: Lovers
مِینا: A type of blue tile, often used to decorate ceilings
طاق: Arch
صبوحی: Wine-drinker
شب قدر: The Night of Power, a holy night in Islam

@hamed Sept. 6, 2024, 3:31 p.m.

This ghazal is a celebration of love and spiritual ecstasy. Hafez uses vivid imagery and symbolism to convey his message.